Jessica is an Indianapolis-based wedding coordinator. In recent years she has expanded into education and works with fellow wedding planners and creatives primarily in the first 0-3 years of business through structured coaching tailored specifically to their business goals. She is a wife and mom to two little ones. She has a deep love for coffee, weekends at the lake and is always up for a good home project!
my dream clients say that I am...
Detail-oriented, Genuine, and Personable
I make a splash in the following areas:
Thinking through the logistics
Going the extra mile
Serving with deep passion
"If you’re thinking about starting your own wedding planning business, or are in the throws of building it as a side hustle, you may be wondering why it’s taking so long to get off the ground, or why you’re not seeing a return on your work.
That’s because you’re wasting your time by NOT scheduling a coaching call with Jess! Wedding planning is one of those few avenues where it’s not always smart to figure out everything as you go, because that could mean a mistake on someone’s biggest day of their lives! Jess gives relevant advice with actual tangible steps to take on how to move forward...
- Lindsay M., Paper Hat Weddings
...I had listened to podcasts, watched webinars and read every wedding article to the ends of the internet that gave vague statements on how to grow your business. After 2 coaching calls with Jess, I was able to take actionable steps that would have taken me months, if not maybe years to figure out myself, with a LOT of probable mistakes along the way.
I was able to hire 2 more coordinators, raise my prices, and streamline my workflow all from Jess’s direction and advice.
Make an investment for your business. You are losing clients and money by NOT calling Jess!"
- Lindsay M., Paper Hat Weddings
"Ever sit in your office and wonder how other people manage tough situations? Not with Jessica by your side. Hiring Jessica as a business coach was hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made. It’s so nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of and hear about opinions and workflows that maybe I haven’t thought of before. Even with her in my market, I know that Jessica is fair and honest. How amazing is it to have a support system with someone in your industry. You won’t regret her thorough emails, check ins, and follow ups. Trust me, I will be a life long customer!"
- EMILY F., Emily Ventura Designs
option one:
i'm ready!
option two:
i'm ready!
From systems and workflows, to niching your offerings and attracting more of your ideal client – our 90-minute coaching calls are perfect for the wedding planner or creative looking to dig deep into a specific area or areas of business where they'd like to grow.
Whether it be implementing a plan to grow your team or strategizing ways to increase your bottom line - our 90-day coaching program is perfect for the wedding planner or creative craving a hands on experience to develop and strategically work towards big business goals.
this or that
early bird
night owl
digital planner
paper planner
blog posts
snail mail